One HVAC American AC & Refrigeration

Air Conditioning Service Calls

On average, HVAC service costs $144 to $451 for most AC and furnace repairs with minimum service call rates of $75 to $200. If you’re not sure what’s the problem an AC diagnostic costs about $89, where a tune-up runs $100 and up

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One HVAC American Air Conditioning Service Calls

How to Make HVAC Service Calls a Complete Success

When your air conditioner or heater needs service or maintenance, it’s time to place a call to your favorite air conditioning and heating technician. If there is a repair involved, there will be time to diagnose what is going on before you’re presented an estimate of what may be needed for an effective repair. Here’s what you need to know to make that service call a complete success.

One HVAC America Air Conditioning Service Calls

Be Specific About Your Problem

When you contact an HVAC service provider, be sure to describe the problem you’re having and how long it has been going on. Does the system turn on and turn off? Is it making a funny noise? Does your system need regular maintenance? Maintenance is generally scheduled in the spring for air conditioners and the fall for heaters and furnaces and is a great way to prevent problems. Be sure to tell us your name, phone number and your address. You’d be surprised how many times we receive incomplete information, which requires extra time for us to search for the missing puzzle pieces. Having complete contact information and a concise description of the problem you are having saves everyone time and help us schedule our day.

One HVAC Air Conditioning Service Calls

Learn the Best Time to Call

Most air conditioning and heating companies have a 24-hour answering service even if they don’t operate 24-7. For companies that do come out in the middle of the night, keep in mind that if your air conditioner or heat pump requires a part they don’t have on their truck, you may still be out of luck until the morning. Why? Air conditioning and heating parts companies are not open 24-hours like 24-hour pharmacies. Nevertheless, if you call in the middle of the night, someone will take down your message, and you will get a call back in the morning. Generally, we schedule our day in the morning, so it is the best time to call. Calling at 5 pm or at the end of the day with an emergency that is across town is not ideal. If you have family members with medical needs or extenuating circumstances, please share that information with us, too.

Politeness and Courtesy Grease the Wheels

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